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What were you doing on 9/11?

- What were you doing on 9/11, Lapinos?

- Was at work. At this time, I remember that I was tortured by this sentence of the Christ: "The one who wants to earn one's living will waste his life", which is a kind of Damocles sword upon Christians' head that does explain there is no Future for them, and thus no Past. Just think about it and you will understand that it is not less terrible than the terrorist threat for people who don't believe in the salvation but trust the future.

- But how did you react to this Terrorist Outrage?

- Funny detail: though one of my colleagues got the news in real time and told to others, nobody spoke about it until the end of the day. Our boss would not have appreciated that some people were listening to the radio during their jobs.

One must admit in fact that the sympathy for victims who are not from your family and friends is made of hysteria and hypocrisy. As some atheists say: "For some reason you must die." Best is quick and with no suffering.

- Don't you think you are a kind of 'Christian Terrorist'?

- Not at all! Christian people are hating the Society, it is true, which End is written in their Revelation book, but contrarily to what Satanists sometimes do believe, Christian people do not have any reason to fight against the Society. First of all because it is condemned by itself to death. Twice because no one is innocent in this program, though only a few people does admit it; even terrorists are contributing, as predators for animal species.

Earning one's living (and mostly making others working for this now) is the more religious or mystic way you can take. Jesus-Christ is not the first philosopher to underline that this is a wrong way. Some Greek philosophers before Him were explaining the same: "People are not made for working as animals." You can even notice that in their acurate natural philosophy (no idea of 'evolution' coming from human pride), Greek philosophers take the example of insects as the vilest animals, that are obviously under the tightest 'matrix program' of working the day long.

And of course those who claim they are both Christian and Civic Citizen are not far away from pure madness and lie. Apostle's fishing-boat was their sole social reason, that they lost after Christ made death uncertain, death from where every human or social organization is issued. 

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