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  • Wall as a Shield

    Goebbels is not dead! Due to big economic Bankruptcy, European tv-shows make the Memorial day more important than the Fall of the Berlin wall itself!

    I remember that it was in my own school twenty years ago very difficult for teachers to make their pupils interested in this wall-fall more than five minutes. One must say here that French propaganda, and especially the propaganda of de Gaulle's party after the war (communist party too) made of Hitler and the German people monsters. Hate of some French writers in the XIXth century until World War II against German philosophy and culture (G.W.F. Hegel, father of nazi's ideology especially, or even E. Kant, disliked by C. Péguy), was replaced by stupid believing that German people wanted to fight against French people although obviously industrial and economic reason was the main reason and war was not the idea of common people. Anti-americanism in France now can be seen as the continuation of old anti-germanism ("France against robots" of G. Bernanos in one title unable to understand why, with the big difference that the press was not in the XIXth owned by four or five big companies close to the governement.)

    And the fall was sudden: no time for the tv-channels to organize a great mass as yesterday.

    History of XIX-XXth centuries cannot be made without including the key-play of the weapon industry, including the history of the economic defeat of the USSR in 1989 that was probably more fast than US and European governments thought because of M. Gorbatchov's special stupidity -but defeat that was nevertheless expected by everybody. The key-play of weapon industry must be underlined because one third of the French tv's or newspapers are today owned by this powerful industry.

    Level of stupidity that mass medias cause in the common people can be measured by the fact that some people dared to argue that the Pope himself (!) was responsible of USSR defeat. And recently I heard on tv that the 'Beatle's' too were not peanuts in this.