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French Propaganda

On "Au Trou !?" anarchist weblog you can read an example of French propaganda about Libya. This is from Bernard Henri Levy, French Millionnaire who does believe he is a kind of Kissinger. This is ridiculous and does remain "Super-Heroes" Comics style for kids, though the magazine is supposed to be for High-educated French people (who studied mathematics/business).

He is a Hereo, but not the regular Heroe like his Friends Sarkozy and Juppé. The one who is able to write the Story. I even doubt that there is so Stupid Propaganda in USA!? Well, this is not too stupid in fact, and my opinion is that Bernard Henri Levy (we call him BHL in France like unglorious basterd JFK or DSK, or any brand) is a kind of genious like Gobbels was. Because this Comic-Strip-Style is exactly the level where educated people in France are now. Can you imagine that Belgium Hergé, about sixty years ago, made a comic-strip FOR KIDS in which he is pointing out the American way of Death?

Bernard Henri Levy is friend of Jane Fonda or that kind of stupid US-turkey. Another funny story was that he tried to convince French people that there is something like a Civilization in USA and that it is not just a Dream. He failed and, therefore, US-Newspapers blamed him for being 'against USA', though he wanted to make something pro-USA!

In fact Jesus-Christ was right: when you are rich as BHL does, the only way to escape is to become poor as soon as possible; if not you became one fortune's toy.


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