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james joyce

  • Bacon as Shakespeare

    I have read somewhere that most of the 'Baconians' are from the USA, refering I guess to Henry James or Mark Twain (I wonder if Ezra Pound was Baconian because James Joyce is 'turning around' and Italian middle-age poetry is both the heart of Pound and one key for understanding some of Shakespeare's plays.):

    - My first remark about that is that a lot of US-writers are feeling in the US-Nation like in a gigantic cell. Those writers are not representing common US-people at all that voted for George Bush because he was wearing a cow-boy's hat or for Barack Obama because he was the cheapest and best means (costed about one milliard $) to give new hymen to a Nation covered of fresh blood and fresh lies (as every Nation: it is in the Constitution of a Nation to make war).

    - Probably US-people are able to feel that Francis Bacon's Science is as far away from US-Science based on computing, mixing numbers with metaphysics without any hierarchy -as far away as possible-, and that Shakespeare's fight against theocrazzy is away from US puritanical idea of Nation (Proof is given in 'Measure for measure' that puritan idea and pornography are grounded on the same sexual obsession, representing the perfect example of what materialist scientists as Aristotle or Marx are calling 'idea', includind two symetric directions.)

    Shakespeare and Bacon are attractive for US-people or writers whose Nation-mother never came into History era, 'further Hercule's Columns'... as two exotic islands are. There is the link.

    - Therefore one has to notice that European today scholars cannot make this link unless offending the honour of the whole scholarship (four hundred centuries without seeing anything in Shakespeare except stylistic details!) Same for England itself. Explaining Shakespeare's plays with the help of Baconian Science and Baconian Science with the help of Shakespeare's tragedies would lead to the understanding that English heroe W. Shakespeare is not very... English. In fact Francis Bacon did not imagined England as the Big National Bankruptcy, a no man's land country as it is now, governed by a ridiculous Queen.