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jackson pollocks

  • Misogyny against War

    One must not be surprised that Marxism is including Misogyny contrarily to Anarchy. It is easy to understand that capitalism is keeping us as women do: by the balls. Not so difficult to understand too that feminism is the roof of sexism, alloting to men the desire of girls! Soldiers are gay-people; I never knew talking about sex except when I was belonging to a French Football Team ('rugby') that I abandonned rather quickly as those guy were boring me to death as much as a Clint Eastwood movie.

    I remember my mother who was shocked when I was fifteen and told her I never would be a soldier in any case to protect the fucking French Nation or Flag or whatever... whatever I, keeping my children soul pure, I still shit on. A mother or a woman (mothers are the worst) who do not even believe in God, is able to believe in the Nation. The more unreal it is, the more a woman believe it. That is why churches and politics are both based on woman faith and so called 'reason' which is including madness (Jackson Pollock's art of controlled hysteria).