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Misogyny against War

One must not be surprised that Marxism is including Misogyny contrarily to Anarchy. It is easy to understand that capitalism is keeping us as women do: by the balls. Not so difficult to understand too that feminism is the roof of sexism, alloting to men the desire of girls! Soldiers are gay-people; I never knew talking about sex except when I was belonging to a French Football Team ('rugby') that I abandonned rather quickly as those guy were boring me to death as much as a Clint Eastwood movie.

I remember my mother who was shocked when I was fifteen and told her I never would be a soldier in any case to protect the fucking French Nation or Flag or whatever... whatever I, keeping my children soul pure, I still shit on. A mother or a woman (mothers are the worst) who do not even believe in God, is able to believe in the Nation. The more unreal it is, the more a woman believe it. That is why churches and politics are both based on woman faith and so called 'reason' which is including madness (Jackson Pollock's art of controlled hysteria).


  • Marx coveted a laurels of Christ. He created a doctrine which is an antipode of Christianity. Communism is a religion...Christianity is an aristocratic religion in the sense that it is a religion of the select few, ten thousand, and communism is a religion of bread for millions of unfortunates, poor and oppressed people... What do you think?

    By the way, G. Bernanos had the same mad eyes as A. Hitler... Royalist and married to a descendant of Joan of Arc (is it possible?)...

  • - Aristocracy of Poors is Christianity because the rich young man who does observe the jewish law is not saved for that.
    - I think you would be right on Marx if you could find any law or constitution in Marx. He contrarily said that "Human Rights" are Human rights... limited to egoist human. About the hypocrite social politics, there is no ingenuousness in Marx. May be there is more stupidity in Hitler than hypocrisy. Churchill was better for that.
    - You are not far from the truth about Bernanos who is less logic than Marx on many points. But summarizing the betraying of French aristocracy as he did in this censored sentence is the last thing a communist can blame in Bernanos. Love of French people for de Gaulle is a pure Golden Legend: the proof that communists never had influence in Education. He was probably the less loved President of the last French Republic. The kind of Legend you have in the USA with terrorist John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

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