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  • Muslim against Christian?

    First of all one must say that there is no reason for Catholic or Christian people to choose between Ben Laden and George Bush or Barack Obama. Prohibition of the using of any weapon against anybody except spiritual weapon against the Devil is absolute. There is no Christianism beyond this fronteer but Christian politicians against Jesus clear dissuasion from building his Kingdom in this world (that is French XVIIth theocracy or USA one).

    I am not the best to tell wether Ben Laden is Muslim or not, but Bush and Obama's religion of State and Capital has obviously nothing to do with the Christian Revelation. Not more than Roman laws, maintained in France by the civil massive-murderer Napoleon before Hitler.
    I sometimes ask myself as great Francis Bacon of Verulam if the biggest part of Christian theology was not made to hide the clear message of Jesus? The fact is that in the thirty-six different kind of Catholicism that were invented by scholars, there is more bullshit than pearls.


    With only 10% of immigrants, France is not like USA one immigrant's nation, but due to low ethical values of French capitalist politicians and their medias, those African immigrants are used to scare oldest people and of female gender too (in Eastern of France, mainly) in electoral time, as fear is the basis of political speech since the first days of Humanity (As soon as Moses their leader is not with them, Jewish people are worshiping the Golden Calf, that is nothing else than a metaphor of politics or power.)
    With this kind of speeches and the help of powerful medias, French Industrial cartels are able to make people forget that it changed one of the richest country in the world in a kind of 'Titanic', pointing out the less responsible people to whiten the more responsible with less sense of honour than Jackals have.


    Same number of Christian French people are changing for Muslim religion (which is a Jewish-Christian religion too, not far away from Luther's aborted Reformation) compared to Muslim immigrants who are changing for Christianism. The interesting point is that they both side do mainly change for social reasons not theological. First category are mainly young French guys who want to marry muslim young girls. Other category is mainly muslim young people who want to be more French. But contrarily to what some stupid Christian are trying to make people believe, Jesus is not socialist at all. Contrarily to what stupid communist are trying to make people believe, Karl Marx is not socialist either (Lenin himself knew it). US-religion is more socialist than marxism -and of course Hitler's religion was socialism too. Marx and F. Engels shrewdly saw in 'socialism' the new religious mask of capitalism.