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  • Networks against Church?

    Today Sexual Crimes in German and Irish Catholic Churches make it new, but the problem of Propaganda against Catholic Church, Press and Networks is an old problem in Europa (-1800) that can be understood rather easily starting from French example.

    First of all one has to underline the fact that Propaganda was invented by Catholic Church in modern History, including the use of lie without which there is no Propaganda.

    Obvioulsly Catholic Roman Church is often judged by Journalists who have no idea of its History or Theology and are not interested in them. Do not ask a French Journalist to understand the sentence of Karl Marx explaining that "Christian people became Jewish, that is what emancipated Jewish people." Journalists are just making the Propaganda for the Party they are belonging to, just as most of Catholic Roman clerks before.

    Biggest lie in France is probably the common idea, teached at School, that French Revolution was between Atheist People and Christian People, though one can read Voltaire, supposed to be one of the Prophets of the French Revolution, and understand that he is not so far away from Blaise Pascal, supposed to be the Prophet of old Aristocratic Christian Class (French Bankers putted B. Pascal on the bills in XXth century, probably to remain that Money is like Faith: always a Bet; and in fact Rich young man of the Gospel does prefer Faith and Law rather than Charity that Jesus makes an Urgency for Salvation).

    Better to understand European History, and even French one, is to read Shakespeare's History whose vision is therefore nothing less than prophetic. Against the Education based in Europa on Propaganda, one could imagine an Education based on Shakespeare's History: great progress for Children and Truth but great Risk for Capitalism and its Manoeuvring in the Dark.


    That French Journalists are mistaking Catholic Church and Clerks today is not surprising. Catholic Roman Church that what useful for the Power and the State until the End of XIXth Century is almost useless now. Catholic Church helped for instance Napoleon IIIrd to be elected (1850), to convince the Peasantry to vote for him, although Napoleon IIIrd was working for industrial Cartels; there is no peasantry anymore. Catholic Church was useful more recently -in 1914-18- to convince people that... War is a good thing! Especially in some areas like French Brittany that came out Middle Age recently and that gave French Army its best soldiers, motherfuckers who were sended in first line, convinced that God was happy that they make war for the Property, the Family and the Golden Calf! (Best XXth French Writter L.-F. Celine is coming from this Country and this insane religion of little farmers that makes atheism more logic.)

    Catholic Church lost every kind of influence definitely in Europa during last half of XXth Century; its sole use is today to make the new Liberal Religion more new-fashioned. Today the use of Christian propaganda would be more useful in... Africa, where it could be used by new Chinese companies to make African Peasantry more manageable.


    In Saint John's Revelation Christian Church is compared to a Whore having incestuous relationship with Kings and Nations (see 'Hamlet' or Dante Alighieri), a comparison which is already in Jewish Prophecies concerning Israel. It is said too that this Whore will be hated by the Nations behind Time, themselves rejecting their Mother-in-law (Rev. Chap. XVII).

    There is no serious translator in Catholic tradition who is trying to split this Whore Portrait from Roma. Only some (like French Bossuet) who are explaining that Apostle John is viewing here the Roma of Ancient Tyrants and orgies, based on selfish Religion of Family and Ancestors. Problem of this explanation is that:

    -it makes saint John's Prophecy useless, first of all, though the link between Prophecy and History that is underlined by great Francis Bacon ('Revelation is History');

    -and twice it puts on one side the fact that the good Church is compared to a Wife (See Poem of Salomon) and the bad Church to a Prostitute along Holly Scriptures, due to Eva's fault that Christian people think it can be abolished. Apostle Paulus (who was taken by Francis Bacon as a good example of clear Theology) does explain that the Union of the Christ and his Church as a marriage is 'a great Mystery', i.e. a mystery that Paulus does not understand but is one key of the Revelation.

  • Drug as a Religion

    Not only Religion is a drug used by Politickers (History of Karl Marx describing Christian Theology as a drug is concerning Christianity when it was not splitted from Political Power, i.e. until 1800 in France. In true Marxist History, Christian religion died in Europe around 1800 and was replaced by nazism of G.W.F. Hegel; Marx is describing German Philosophy as the new Religion, stronger than the former one because the members of this new Cathedral are denying making a Religion. And in fact it is not true to think that French people are less religious than USA people for instance; most of French teachers of the more than three million French Education system employees are acting as real clerks.)

    One can even say that the biggest the State is, the more centralized: the strongest must the Religion be. Lenin for instance guessed that Communism or Marxism would turn in big Soviet Union in a Religion 'as Christianity turned in a Religion in France in XVIIth Century', due to strong central power (Lenin does understand Christianity better than today Pope Benedictus XVIth, full of crazy German Philosophy!).

    Not only Religion is a drug: I mean Drug is a religion too. Sole use of drug by someone is proving he is under religion. Effects are similar. Due to his link with Greek Science, Marx does think that religion is the way not to know who you are, a veil between the Sky and Human people. This schizophrenia or melancolia is just faster with drugs but desire of drug is the same than desire of religion: abandonment to a power stronger than you are.

    It was probably a kind of joke in young Marx mind to attack 'existentialism', which is the religious background of nazism (see Heidegger, member of NSDAP), to fight against it as this was coming from the Devil. But now we can see that existentialism is from Satan and Marx was true.

    In fact Religion as we can see in some Pagan civilizations such as Roman Civilization can be 'under the Devil', i.e. not make the difference between God and Satan. It is due to a bad level of Scientific knowledges. You can find it in Greek civilization and this is Pythagorean satanic religion strongly condemned by Aristotle and Francis Bacon later.

  • Sucking Poets

    Four years ago US-Writter Johnatan Littell got the major French book prize 'Goncourt' for a book in (a very bad) French ("Les Bienveillantes", 2006). I am the first to recognize that 'style' is the make-up of art, but the funny part of this story was to observe that a Prize which is almost entirely devoted to entertaining and stylate litterature for grand-mothers and christmas gifts was given to this big book on ww2 (It is a current joke in France that no good writter ever got this Goncourt-Prize which has been without exception given to 'writters-that-suck'.) It is not new that the bullshit that enable publishers to live makes author die.

    Due to some Jewish obsession to summarize History into a Jewish problem and so destroy Historical studies*, French press and TV almost coerced French customers to buy Littell's book because of its subject (75% of books are bought in France by women, whose religious attitude is determining the success of a book; every blockbuster must be seen through this prisma. As a man I was bored by long sado-masochist descriptions added to the military life description. Is there any subject more boring in art than sex except soldiers and their military life? Subtle poets know that sex and soldiers are comic subjects about which only secretaries talk about seriously).

    A bizarre shock happened between two main religious today dogmas: Jewish dogma against Gay dogma. As Littell makes his main sadistic nazi anti-heroe a paederastic one, insisting on the incestuous part of his sexuality, the question was: what kind of dogma would be the strongest? Jewish or Gay? I must admit that thanks to Littell I was interested in this Goncourt Prize for the first and probably last time of my life.

    Theory of Littell is in fact not far away from what you can deduce of the reading of the French Marquis de Sade himself, whose devotion to sex cannot be separated from his devotion to politics. Sade is for sure the French philosopher who is the closer to nazi's revolution and Nietszche.

    My idea is rather different from Littell's one and that is the reason why I do think he is just an hypocrite. Sado-masochism is not the consequence of nazism but of liberalism. Karl Marx would no doubt have seen in Hitler's politics a regular liberalism, due to marxist historical method to examinate any kind of politics under its economical machinery first of all.

    French author Pierre Drieu La Rochelle (still censored in France or published with a preface to prevent people to share DLR's opinion!), who was seduced by nazism before the war like Ezra Pound or English Evelyn Waugh were by Mussolini, as soon as they went into Paris, Drieu La Rochelle was disappointed by nazis, recognizing in them ordinary capitalists although he was hoping that Hitler would change liberalism into an honest politics.

    *The most shocking effect of the Jewish obsession about ww2 in France is this idea that Napoleon Ist, because he did not made anything against Jewish, was not a butcher as Hitler, although the cruelty of Napoleon's orders was may be more terrific than nazi's cruelty. No need to say that Napoleon did not have the same opportunity to provoke popular electorate against Jewish like Hitler did.