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  • De l'Amour

    Le truc de l'amour est bien plus important dans les romans, au cinéma, dans les magazines, que dans la vie. C'est ce qui donne l'impression, aux Etats-Unis, de vivre parmi des personnages de fiction.

    Les grands esprits et les grands hommes dont l'histoire a retenu le nom furent d'ailleurs à peu près insensibles à la passion. Je ne parle pas ici de Napoléon, dont l'action politique et militaire fut aussi catastrophique pour la France que celle de Hitler pour l'Allemagne.

    L'éloge bourgeois de la passion est un éloge indirect de la barbarie. L'aristocrate commet ses crimes au grand jour. C'est par des rouages compliqués que la bourgeoisie entraîne les jeunes niais de sa propre mouture, et le populo en masse, à assassiner pour son compte quand c'est nécessaire.

  • Delenda est Roma

    De nombreux romans et drames ne se privent pas d'épingler la vie moderne, qui par bien des  côtés ressemble à un hospice de vieillards. Il n'y a entre s'indigner et sucrer les fraises guère de différence.

    La motivation de nombreux terroristes doit être seulement, dans le fond, d'avoir un bref instant la sensation d'exister. Et ils n'ont pas tout à fait tort, car dieu vomit les tièdes.

    Malgré tout l'ennui de ce monde, la plupart des hommes s'y accrochent encore avec la conviction d'un dentier entamant un steack haché. On nous assure que les bonnes femmes vont prendre le relais du genre masculin en pleine débandade ; sans déconner, les bonnes femmes qui pissent dans leur froc, rien qu'à l'idée du baccalauréat ? Il faudrait tout miser sur la ruse et l'hystérie ?

    Comme la taupe, l'homme est un animal rampant, aveugle et fier de son art, qu'il compare volontiers à l'Himalaya. Mais l'identification de l'homme moderne à l'insecte, selon Kafka, est la plus juste.

  • US-Dream to Hell

    'American Dream': this motto is enough to see USA from France as an Eastern Nation, closer to India than England or France.

    Stupid US-Writter Johnatan Littell is arguing that because German nazis were better educated than Yankees do today (this is no scoop), education is useless.

    Truth would be to tell people that Nazism was Capitalism, a remake of Roman Empire or Egyptian one. Capitalism for young men when Economics does not work. Hitler was the link between German Industry and poor popular classes that were disgusted by Economic Leaders.


    In France, the difference between Roman and Greek, and mainly the fact that classical art cannot be mixed with business and economics, has been hidden by Republican culture and clerks as much as possible. Music and Architecture are not 'classical'.

    Idea of Art as a religion, i.e. music or culture, is Roman, Nazi, but not Greek; Greek greatest philosophers are aware of the danger for art in the hands of the Government to become just religion, theater or mathematics. K. Marx is not new on this point.

    Of course, because of the Revelation, Christian do not trust Politics either, due to the fact that this text is underlining the dark side of Politics in History.

    'Happiness' is not more Greek than it is Christian, due to realistic view of Politics and Society. Same mistake is made by German nazi F. Nitche in the name of the devil: Christianity is not happy, has nothing to do with Architecture or Civilization (See Lucifer next to Architecture tools by A. Dürer); Nitche is true on this point, which is obvious. But he is wrong to believe that Greek did not share this realistic view that there is nothing strong to expect from the lifetime. Though his big Glory, Achiles is desappointed as he would have lost everything. And Shakespeare does insist on the point that Cowards only fight for Glory (and their mother behind it).

    Nitche nazism is the most common religion in USA now. And this is the worst. The less helpful for poor people, as dreams and ethics are useless for people who have nothing. They are made by rich people to submit them.

    To this taste for dreams of little kids, classical culture, Petrarch for instance, does explain that Nightmares are better than Dreams, because when you wake up reality is not so bad.

  • Celine and Churches





    Quoted two times by French Louis-Ferdinand Celine in a compilation of his letters is Karl Marx analysis that 'Jewish are freeing themselves when Christian people are becoming Jewish.' Remembering Voltaire who was complaining at his Time about the Jesuit and Jansenist Parties that made a kind of Jewish Church with the Catholic one.

    Remembering young Simona Weil too, who did not want to belong to Catholic Church because she thought that Christian people committed the same mistakes than Jewish people in Old Testament until the murdering of Jesus whom she was trusting after a communist youth.

    Today Roman Church in France is nothing more than an old Relic, helped by the French Government because of tourism, and which does interest only young maiden looking for gay husbands (those are probably the best). It is more acurate to say that this Church is 'Genital' than 'Jewish'. With last German Pope, Jewish character of Catholic Church was more obvious because of his interest in old latin rites. The kind of old Catholics that one can see in Paris yet, living together as much as possible, very conservative (you can even find some who are praising the coming back of a King!), are those who are looking the more Jewish out.

    Though Roman Church is an old woman now and Capitalist Politics destroyed the Economy of rich countries those last fifty years, without stopping to steal foreign wealth in Africa or Asia (including Human wealth),  those people supposed to be with Jesus and Poors, not even are able to notice that Jesus-Christ has been murdered by Clercks and Magistrates, and that it is not impossible that Human History is made of the same steps than Jesus life himself was.