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  • Daech, marionnette des USA ?

    Certains voient la main des services secrets américains derrière le califat (Etat islamique) qui menace l'existence sécurisée des élites européennes. Les mêmes soupçons ont été formulés naguère à propos du réseau terroriste dirigé par Ben Laden, en raison d'accointances prouvées entre le gouvernement américain et la résistance afghane à l'URSS, ainsi que par la peine de mort appliquée au chef de guerre terroriste.

    A ces soupçons les élites politiques répondent par un mot : complotisme, même si la théorie de la théorie du complot semble parfois aussi superficielle que telle théorie du complot.

    La première remarque à faire est que la "théorie du complot", en général, est un thème très largement en vogue dans le cinéma ou la culture de masse occidentale en général. On ne peut sérieusement opposer la science à la théorie du complot dans le cadre d'une culture reposant largement sur le divertissement.

    D'une certaine façon, la théorie du complot est une réponse populaire à une culture de masse produite par les élites politiques et morales des nations occidentales. A certains égards, la théorie du complot est l'expression d'une forme de mécontentement populaire vis-à-vis des élites.

    - La seconde remarque est qu'il convient d'envisager la politique aujourd'hui, non pas à l'échelle d'une nation ou d'un continent, mais du monde, c'est-à-dire d'une manière dont Marx avait prévu dès la fin du XIXe siècle la plupart des conséquences, dont les inévitables conflits meurtriers entre nations capitalistes du XXe siècle, qui font partie intégrante de l'évolution de l'économie capitaliste (quel historien ou quel économiste pourrait exclure la guerre du processus économique, hormis un propagandiste à la solde d'un régime totalitaire ?).

    Or la politique est comme un jeu de poupées russes, emboîtées les unes dans les autres. Sur le plan politique, le nouveau califat édifié contre l'Occident requiert l'Occident pour se développer, et les nations occidentales requièrent le califat ou une forme d'opposition violente afin de justifier leur structure totalitaire (totalitaire parce que, comme nous l'avons démontré ailleurs, soumise à l'arbitraire d'élites actionnaires de l'Etat, disposant de moyens de propagande extraordinaires). Si l'Etat islamique n'existait pas, il faudrait que les nations occidentales l'inventent.

    La question de savoir si le califat est une marionnette directement actionnée par les Etats-Unis n'est donc pas essentielle. C'est une question de cinéma. On se demandera plus utilement quelle est la plus grosse poupée, matrice de la seconde ? Et, de ce point de vue, il est assez évident que le totalitarisme est un problème plus vaste et plus profond que celui posé par l'Etat terroriste islamique. Il est assez évident que les terroristes ont appris de l'Occident leurs méthodes de combat ultra-modernes.

    - La troisième remarque est pour insister sur la démarche politique moderne, qui lie le sort des peuples soumis à cette politique au hasard, et pour cette raison ne paraît pas une politique très préméditée. Si l'Etat moderne est un pachyderme, sa vue est très courte, comme l'éléphant. L'inertie de l'Etat, y compris lorsque celui-ci est paré du déguisement de "l'esprit d'initiative libéral", a tendance à faire paraître le complot peu crédible d'une manière générale. Une politique hasardeuse n'en est pas une, de même qu'un complot hasardeux n'en est pas un au sens strict ; d'où le climat de complot et de paranoïa général.

    On doit ici s'interroger sur la notion d'élite intellectuelle moderne, et l'ouvrage de cette élite. En creusant la question de l'utilité de ces élites, on aboutira assez vite à cette observation de George Orwell de la convergence de l'intellectualisme et du totalitarisme, de sorte que l'on peut définir l'intellectualisme comme le contraire de l'esprit critique ; l'intellectuel est un "homme de religion" et non "un homme de science". Quelle tâche l'intellectuel accomplit-il aujourd'hui, si ce n'est empêcher d'une manière ou d'une autre que l'on dise du mal des intellectuels ? La religion de la science est la dernière chose que les intellectuels remettront en cause, alors même qu'elle est au coeur de ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler "totalitarisme". Pourtant l'esprit de la science est rebelle à celui de la culture ou de la religion.

    Il y a là un mystère plus sérieux et plus profond que celui de l'impuissance de l'Etat moderne à ne pas dépendre de la démagogie et de gigantesques mouvements de foules - ou du moins peut-on dire que le coeur du mystère est sans doute là.

    - On peut se demander enfin si la culture islamique et la culture occidentale moderne diffèrent aussi radicalement que les djihadistes et les tenants de la culture moderne le prétendent - et la réponse est non. D'une part parce que la religion mahométane et la religion catholique romaine sont de même nature hybride, mélangeant références bibliques et "droit naturel" platonicien (on peut lire sur le point de la convergence de l'islam et du catholicisme les essais de J. Ellul ou R. Guénon, qui la démontrent, qui pour la critiquer, qui pour s'en féliciter) ; d'autre part parce que les "valeurs laïques républicaines modernes" ne sont qu'une adaptation ou une transposition des valeurs catholiques romaines.



  • French against USA

    I visited Germany first (Nordrhein Westfalen) and was almost fluent after a while. I was seventeen. Because I was not waking up before 8 AM, so the family that invited me thought I a was a kind of hippie. But they were although impressed by my ability to speak their German language. German people do think like soldiers and peasants that the world belongs to people who wake up early.

    (It's a good thing for French people to visit Germany to understand Voltaire.)

    Then I visited USA and it was a G-shock. Females rule on German males because they are soldiers (loving music). Females rule on US males too because they are gangsters (loving rockn'roll). This travel helped me for many reasons. I did not trust democracy a lot, because only hypocrits French artists or philosophers tell us that democracy is not a trick. And after my travel I could not believe in it at all, because money obviously rules USA (the money of Chinese workers), and nothing else.

    It helped me to understand too that my Roman catholic religion was wrong. And I started to read and try to understand the Revelation Book that Roman catholic Church is trying to dig under its art and 'traditions' as the plot of Pharisian clerks and widows tried to kill Jesus-Christ... but failed in this satanic plot.

  • From Hitler to Obama

    In everything USA are continuing the German Dream of Civilization, but one point, teached by UK to USA: hypocrisy, without which you cannot make modern Civilization, but only old-fashioned irrelevant one of Hitler, that was defeated in two years.

    But hypocrisy, and therefore bad useless pulp-fiction of Johnatan Littell.

    Old tales that tell the story of a stupid Wolf which was mocked by a smart Fox are illustrating the victory of Democracy against Nazism.

  • Satan rules USA

    It is poor US-Citizens responsability to fight as much as they can for peace against US-Government need of war. Because they are the only one to be able to. When you are rich, you cannot think but just try to keep the money that strengthens weak people and makes their life an ugly mixing of terror and comfort. Money makes people run faster than Usain Bolt for same stupid reason than him.

    If philosophers can say that money is as stupid as Life or Nature, it is because $ is protecting from the terror that $ is building. Female need male sex for same reason: she is weak. Lost is the country which citizens are afraid to be poor. It's an old country. 

    Sometimes you can listen to someone who does explain that, because he was very poor in his first years, he does need money to feel better now. Truth is that his primary fear did not prevent him against the mirroring of money that will let him as weak as he was first. Foolish or weak people are experts at painting in brilliant colours what they imagine that could fill their black hole. And this is 99% 'art'. 'Abstract Art for cowards' writes French Louis-Ferdinand Céline, who was turning in the Capitalist Circus as a Tiger in his cage.

    The weakest you are, the richest you need to be. Same for nations. The biggest they are, the most corrupted by money. It's biologic. This is the reason why Prophet Moses is condemning bad Jewish who praise the Golden Calf, or the reason why Jesus-Christ does doubt rich people to follow him an join the All-Saints-Camp. Because God is Strength, though a big State or money, which are made of the same bloody nature, can only as Satan share their power during a while.

    The idea that God is word or language is coming from Liars; mostly latin clerks who are suckers and traitors as Shakespeare-Bacon does explain in his tragedies (two latin clerks making of Romeo a stupid bloody aristocrat, for instance). Because their own power came from language -as lawyers. But Jesus-Christ who gives us his experience of God tells us that 'What comes out people mouth is corrupting people, not what comes in' (Mat. XV-11) This enables Shakespeare to demonstrate that blood and language are both corrupted. This is why Roman Empire was Satanic: because it was under the law.

    - I recently watched on a TV-Show a young US-Citizen who was taking advantage of this short time of Glory to threaten the World like this: 'Satan is my Master, and you will soon see how big his power is!' I am the last to mistake Satan's power Who is able to make Catholic clercks praise Him, in the name of God or Jesus-Christ.

    Is she not said to be Christian, US Politicker Hillary Clinton who explained recently that it is not ethical to piss on a dead man but you can kill him? In the terrific silence of religious authority that did not notice that the confusion between peace and death is nazism or egyptian religion, but not Christian. And that every Christian who is using weapons or even put someone in jail is condemning himself (Rev. chap. XIII).

    This young satanist is blind if he does not see that TV, theater and music are already showing the power of his God. But I doubt that Satan's power next explosion will prevent the devil's Gunners as for the A-Bomb before. Therefore I think US-Citizens praising Satan are closer to Jesus-Christ than many supposed to be US-Christian, whose abstract belief is hidding that they are their own God. The situation of Satanic people claiming against Christian people because they do not care charity or their own law prohibiting the use of weapons is not 'bizarre'. It is normal or legal.

    Denying the power of the Devil when you are Christian is just as stupid as denying the power of the Nature, or being a 'Christian ecologist' (!). You can recognize this ignorance, not in Ancient Egyptians of course, who did properly understand their God and praised him better than Roman civilization, Germany or USA, but in the Jewish, Christian or Muslim for whom 'God is out the world', i.e. nowhere but in Banks or Paradisiac islands for rich people.

  • Jefferson against War

    In three quotes:

    1. 'Conquest is not in our principles. It is inconsistent with our government.'

    This first quote indicates that USA are grounded on the most satanic principle: best wishes. Nobody who is from the Spirit and not from the Law can blame Hitler, Bush or Obama to be devoted to conquest. It is their pagan destiny. There is no peace coming from government in Christianity or even Jewish law, THAT IS NOT NATURAL. Conquest, does explain Shakespeare-Bacon the great Christian Saint, is in every day life, portrayed under the Diana-Moon figure in Greek Wisdom. And it is historical that United Kingdom, since Shakespeare, never stopped falling down. English Traitors today wonder if they will betray USA or Europa.

    2. 'An enemy generally says and believes what he wishes.'

    This is less wrong. But it is better to understand that you are generally your own enemy, due to the fact that you believe what you wish. Economy is just 'believing what you whish'. 'American Dream' is the enemy of every US people. And that is why Karl Marx after Shakespeare does think History througout the veil of Economy or Religion.

    3. 'Advertisments contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.'

    At this point, Jefferson seems to start thinking at last. After Jefferson guns and weapons are in the Constitution, remaining Hunting obsession of stupid English Aristocracy. But not newspapers and TV's, that do come in fact from same obsession. You have here the explanation why fachist Ezra Pound is the best US-thinker, coming back to Jefferson or Dante architectural inspiration. USA play chess under the Moon now. Free yourself from this Game, which is nothing but Satan's play.

  • Shakespeare vs Etats-Unis

    Barack Obama citant Shakespeare, c'est un truc aussi bizarre que Jean-Pierre Raffarin récitant le chapelet après un voyage d'affaire en Chine pour y fourguer du matériel français à la junte militaire qui dirige ce pays (en toute discrétion pour ne pas froisser un électorat dont c'est peu dire qu'il se voile la face à 100 %).

    Je veux bien que les peuples heureux ou qui désirent l'être soient hostiles à l'histoire, mais dans ce cas leurs dirigeants feraient mieux de citer Marcel Proust ou Walt Disney plutôt que Shakespeare (bien que certains contes pour enfants interprétés par Disney ont un sens apocalyptique, à l'instar des pièces de Shakespeare*).

    Vu que Shakespeare maîtrise le symbolisme comme peu de peintres, on peut douter qu'il aurait vu dans ces épis de maïs géants dressés vers le ciel, traduisant la "culture de vie", les symboles d'une nation chrétienne. On imagine d'ici ses plaisanteries salaces, dirigées contre ce type d'objets de culte et de dévotion. Plaisanteries qu'on ne comprend pas si on les croit gratuites, puisque Shakespeare entend par là souligner la trivialité de rituels et de formes d'art dont le sens est bien plus anthropologique que théologique.

    C'est plutôt la comparaison du chef des Etats-Unis avec un pharaon qui serait venue à l'esprit de Shakespeare, d'autant plus que le mélange d'architecture et de mathématiques qui forme la base de la religion des Etats-Unis n'est pas un complot ou un secret. L'oeuvre de Shakespeare contient déjà la satire la plus poussée du moyen âge et de son architecture sociale indue.

    Shakespeare souligne en outre dans plusieurs pièces le tempérament incestueux ou oedipien des rois et princes de son temps ; la mélancolie qui en découle et la chute d'autant plus rude que les chefs d'Etat ne sont que des bêtes de scène, mues d'abord par leur instinct, et donc aveugles.

    Or on voit que l'impérialisme a eu pour conséquence d'étendre cet instinct et cet aveuglement à des nations entières, chaque citoyen devenant une sorte de petit Oedipe tyrannique ou capricieux, "identitaire" gobant que la quête de ses origines l'empêchera de finir en petit tas d'engrais, et incapable de comprendre que la quête identitaire recouvre une stratégie de défense de la propriété, y compris par ceux qui ne possèdent rien.

    *Les contes mettant en scène une "mauvaise reine" et une "bonne reine" font référence à l'Apocalypse qui peint l'épouse du Christ, c'est-à-dire les chrétiens, tantôt sous un jour idéal et favorable, tantôt sous l'aspect d'une putain, donnant lieu à deux interprétations de la vision de St Jean, l'une morale (Dante Alighieri), l'autre historique (Shakespeare).

  • On The Road Again

    Dans la tradition de Tocqueville, Chateaubriand, Céline et Tintin, BHL voyagea en Amérique et s'y trouva mi-figue mi-raisin. Pas certain que tout le monde ait lu son livre, BHL a convaincu "France-Télévision" de diffuser une version "short cuts" filmée/voix-off de "crooner" de son périple (j'avais seulement feuilleté l'ouvrage magistral à l'époque, tombant sur la visite des bordels yankees, qui permet une comparaison avec le "Crazy Horse" de Paname-City).

    Résumé pour ceux qui n'aiment NI lire NI regarder la télé, mais seulement les blogues (2h/jour/Français) :

    - La Route : lacet serpentant à travers l'immensité des plaines arides plantées de cactus, idéal moyen de transit vers le trou du cul de l'Amérique, vroum-vroum fait parfois un gros "truck" plus effrayant que la baleine de Jonas : "out" Chateaubriand.

    - Obama : BHL avait prévu son élection. Dimension prophétique de l'essayiste.

    - Putes : hyper-hygiéniques ; c'est Arielle qui a dû être contente.

    - William Kristol : a des idées ; ça tombe bien, les Ricains allaient manquer de pétrole ; ils vont pouvoir se déplacer en Buick Kristoline. Car ça, BHL le dit pas, le Yankee ne marche pas, il se déplace. Le seul que j'ai vu marchant, cherchait justement à gagner la frontière française dans le sens inverse.

    - Las Vegas : assez vulgaire malgré tout le bien qu'on aimerait en dire ; BHL n'est pas Patrick Bruel, sachez-le, il fait du cinéma d'hauteur.

    - Prisons : on en ferme certaines pour en ouvrir d'autres.

    - Goulags : terme russe désignant des prisons russes. Pourquoi dire "goulag" à la place de Guantanamo ? Chercherait-on à atténuer les souffrances du barbu Soljénitsyne, non moins prophète de rien du tout que BHL ?

    - Mormons : impressionné, BHL, par leur sens de la famille : moment de sincérité.

    - Mur de la honte : inachevé selon BHL, car il autorise son contournement et les risques de dessication du peone mexicain égaré vers l'Eldorado de ses arrières-grands-parents.

    - Culture : contrairement aux idées reçues en France, il y a bien une culture aux Etats-Unis. Quel petit pédé de France ou de Navarre osera dire que les westerns c'est bof-culture à côté de la phénoménologie des nazis, Andy Warhol de la tomate dessalée en boîte ? Allons, soyons sérieux ou je sors mon six-coups.

    - Hamburger : BHL au régime. Moi ce que j'ai trouvé de mieux aux States, c'est la bouffe. Pas chère, croustillante, pas l'escroc-titi parisien à 10 euros les frites dégueulasses.

    - Question : pourquoi les Yankees n'ont pas aimé le bouquin de BHL ? Ils n'ont pas pigé qu'il leur faisait des compliments en français ? "The Beloved one" d'E. Waugh, satire britannique assez difficile à battre niveau concentration en vitriol, les Anglais étant encore plus impitoyables que les colons français avec leurs colonies, fut prise aux Etats-Unis pour un reportage caustique sur les cimetières pour chiens de Californie.

    Pour voyager incognito en Russie, BHL pourrait se faire décolorer en blond et porter la houppe ?

  • Big Soul/No Art

    I do agree with English novelist Evelyn Waugh that sole original USA Art or Poetry is animation movies made with drawings, such as Walt Disney's stories, Looney Tunes a.s.o. (kind of Poetry which is already dead in my opinion). This Poetry is of course far more inspirated than today boring US novelists or stupid photographer David Hockney whose art is entirely made with bad Rethoric and Ignorance of History.

    - Notice that these animation pictures movies are related with US devotion for Time that one can see in its 'Science', a devotion that one can find in Asian or Arabian civilizations too (which is for regular Catholic people not less than praising the devil); Italian Dante for instance mainly thought that Muslim people were Satanic because of their Same devotion for Time; same for Egyptians too, whose Dictatorship under Apollo inspired partly Ancient Greeks (notabily Minoan but religious church of Pythagorea too) before Greek Priests were defeated by Greek Scientists against Time ;

    - Therefore this is typically one Children's Art, which is revealing the women's Power in the USA that slowly drove US men to become paederastic, probably more than German nazis who were depicted by US Novelist Johnatan Littell as Gays (without shocking French opinion, though talking against Gay is as much politically uncorrect in France nowadays than in USA, probably because Littell is of Jewish origin that protected him in the French press of violent attacks anybody else would have had to fight against for that if not Jewish).

    How women get more power than men in this kind of civilization is explained by Marx Economy. Gay people are the best Citizen of whom a State or a Dictatorship can dream about. Their light sado-masochism is precious in case of War for instance, because you cannot become sadistic suddenly, but must be prepared. Suffering you inflict to someone is always after suffering you admitted for your own body, and mad people often complain about the State (not only about their parents or mother), as the Nation betrayed them (which is true, in fact, except the fact that 'USA', 'France' is nothing but a Ghost, corresponding to Roman or Egyptian Gods, just Power drawings.)

    Sparta's Warriors were Gay and this is a good thing until a certain Paradox. Problem of Gay Nazis and Gay Warriors of Sparta is the same: their devotion for Politics was too big, too frank, a blind link with the State as a Matrix: they cannot imagine She will betray them. 'Titanic' is made of brass, isn't it? A Paradox which is in Politics as much as it is in humour.

    *Regular catholic people are those whose religion is not based on Faith/Ratio, like famous French Philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, explaining he was believing in God and the day after believing in Nothing, a.s.o. or French Jean Guitton, advisor of former Pope Paulus VIth, explaining that Faith is Doubt or Doubt is Faith, the kind of Idea that can let people think that Monkeys were our Ancestors.

  • Looney Tunes





    As a result of global dictatorship, a large rate of people in the world is receiving an US-education. I was not watching TV too much when I was young but my first mental impression was although, walking for the first time on the US ground, to walk in a dream (which made me sick because dead can dream as well as they can dance). My second impression was to be in Germany; and in fact, one Nation's soul is nothing else than its money, and dollar is the German 'thaler'.

    Due to Shylock type covenant between France and the USA, French TV-Channels are spreading the US-religion in every French home every night. Some French movies or soap-operas are on TV too, but I am not the stupid French unable to see that French theater is 90% bullshit, made by half-educated French people who have no idea of what cinema does consist in, contrarily to many Us-directors. I am not sure that without the cinema/TV, French politicians would have fucked French people as deeply as they did during those last fifty years: this is the reason why you can be sure that the praise of the cinema 'as the 7th art' is coming from the French bourgeois (still dead).

    Best French movie directors are making commercials; in this category, as crucial as porn, French are maybe better than Us-directors themselves, because of the less puritan laws (I wonder if this advertising for a German car company: 'He has the car, he will get the girl', was French or not?).

    Advantage of these serial stories that we can watch after a while on French-TV is that they do inform people on the US-religion rather well. This is a propaganda of very good quality and Russian or Chinese should take lessons in Hollywood if they want to be the new masters.

    I made thus these summaries out of a few Yankee serial-stories for the kids of my sister who are too young to understand where dreams lead you if you do not fight them:

    - 'Sex in the city': New Whore does prefer Dollar than Sex. She is well educated now (thanks to feminism!).

    - 'The Experts': Praising the dead body is the Civility of Technics and Robots.

    - 'Desperate Housewifes': How USA became a Gay-Nation (and how feathers that were on Sitting-Bull's head first are on French-Cancan dancer Obama's ass now).

    - 'Lost': Revelation is just Entertainment.

    - 'Dr House': Because of its efficiency, one cannot get rid of nazism.

    - '24 H': Everybody is a terrorist but Cops are always the best.

    - 'Numbers': Because he has no phone-call number, Ben Laden is challenging USA-Scientists.

    - 'Prison Break': (No summary: you need to be gay to watch this one as Jail is a Metaphor for Gay-sexuality. French Marquis de Sade was in jail when he wrote his boring praise of politics, violence, torture and sex, and this is partly explaining it. Prison breaks you into a gay jack.)

    - 'Scrubs': ... Just brilliant! I must admit something about this one: if cinema was not 100% religion but art, it would be this 'Scrubs', not that far away from Moliere's message that medical men are possessed by the Devil and his Looney Tunes. When I need to prove someone that USA is one devil's nation, I tell him: 'Just look at the doctors of the Sacred-Heart Hospital in 'Scrubs'. 'Sacred-heart devotion' it is exactly the Christian religion pointed out by Moliere as a satanic come back to primitive superstition.




  • My own private Usa

    Living in the USA helped me to understand that Pornography and Ethical Order are the same; i.e. grounded on the same sexual obsession, full of mathematics and mechanics: ground zero (The twin towers, one for the sexual obsession, the other for the moral order which is an Architecture, were in fact rich symbols.)

    I was a Catholic before; I became a Marxist too after (which is necessary when Catholic Pope is German and his corn head full of German dark female philosophy).

    French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy (BHL), one of the fifty people who do count in Paris and are making the French TV and Press, this guy does think exactly opposite to me. His own experience in the USA when he was 18 (I was a few years older) convinced him that US Literature, Philosophy and Theater are part human social progress (I must underline the fact here that both catholic and marxist people are hating the Society as much as Hitler is loving this Beast that is devouring its sons like Cronos.)

    I wonder if those kind of French friends of the USA like BHL would be able to live in this Nation during a long time?

    Was European Middle Age as religious as USA are? I do doubt about it. And for sure European Middle Age is coming OUT OF Eastern philosophy although USA are the 'Orient Express', next station after German nazism, COMING BACK to Eastern esoteric philosophy.

    A war between China and the USA would be in my opinion a war between two Eastern Culture and would prove one more time that concurrence is the main reason of modern capitalist wars.

    Especially US-Women have this strange typical attitude, not far away from madness, that is named sometimes 'hypochondria'. In a less technical vocabulary this 'hypochondria' can be described as a 'self control' that is typical of animal basic instincts taking care of the environment; to keep here the idea that 'self-control' is political crushing effect that enable a State and its cops to control everybody with efficiency. You cannot cross an animal's gaze, especially when it is not a domestic one; US-women seem to suffer very often from this behaviour (warning condition) governed by fear.

  • France against USA

    Best-seller author Samuel Huntington is too far away from Western idea of history to be considered as a true scientist. But he is although pointing the good reason why French people who are knowing their own history, art, customs, religion(s), do regard USA-culture as a foreign culture, not only for the sole detail that the USA have a theocratic constitution (French constitution is theocratic too, a theocracy in which the State does not let any place for God. The laws that are fighting against muslim or christian religious symbols prove that Marx was true: State religion is a stronger drug due to its mask of neutrality (Marx in his critics against nazi's State and legacy as G.W.F Hegel does define it.)

    USA, says Huntington, never knew catholicism and marxism. Catholic religion is not that much different from other Christian religions in fact nowadays, a theological unity that is starting from English and German Reformation (Best proof is that German Ratzinger does quote Saint Augustine very often, who was for medieval (!) catholic theology old fashioned.)

    As the Christian religion almost died in Europe (only 2% of French people go to the catholic mass) and last popes were coming from Eastern culture, one can even say that there is no big difference between protestantism and catholicism anymore (I mean 'no big' regarding theology). Who is interested in theology can even notice that Luther or Melanchton were closer to Aristotelician principles that grounded catholicism during about four centuries than today pope Benedictus XVIth himself does! But there did exist in catholicism a theological idea against theocracy that of course influenced some French philosophers of the XVIIIth, following Bacon and Shakespeare, English example.

    Let us say that Greek Materialism or criticism that Marx tried to introduce again in Europe in the XIXth century never influenced the USA. Best proof is that Time is almost treated as a god in USA culture.

    And this materialism is what can characterize Western Europe culture from others, even if one has to say that marxist historic science is opposite to mainstream French State devotion too.

    No doubt that the commercial and military alliance of France with the USA has for the moment a bigger influence on French people idea about USA.

    French immigrants from Africa, if they were proud of Obama's 'choice' are nevertheless seeing USA-military invasion of Irak nothing else as a colonial war.

  • Obamamania

    Le discours plein de bons sentiments de Barack Hussein Obama à l'égard de l'islam écarte-t-il le risque d'une attaque de l'Iran par les forces du Pacte Atlantique ? Seul un imbécile peut croire que ce sont des raisons sentimentales qui ont poussé les Etats-Unis à changer leur fusil d'épaule vis-à-vis de Saddam Hussein. Le gouvernement français a-t-il déclaré la guerre à l'Allemagne en 1939 parce qu'il était choqué par les dicours d'Hitler ? La réalité et les processus historiques sont un peu plus compliqués que les documentaires d'"Arte" qui, dans le meilleur des cas, ne jettent sur les faits qu'une lumière électrique blafarde.

    Léon Blum, beau parleur lui aussi comme Obama, voulait la guerre contre l'Allemagne, puis il a été soulagé que les accords de Munich la repoussent... avant de la vouloir de nouveau.

    John Kennedy a beau avoir un côté "sexy et sympathique" et s'être gargarisé des Droits de l'Homme tout au long de sa carrière comme un bureaucrate s'asperge de Guerlain pour Homme avant d'aller poser son cul dans un bureau à La Défense, il n'en reste pas moins l'un des présidents des Etats-Unis les plus assassins.

    Le débarquement en Normandie, célébré avec tout le faste républicain qui s'impose, non plus décisif dans le triomphe des forces alliées en 1944 que les bombes atomiques larguées sur le Japon, ce débarquement a fait près de vingt mille victimes la plupart innocentes en Normandie. Que faisaient les troupes anglaises dans les barges de débarquement, si ce n'est repousser un peu plus loin, non pas les forces allemandes dont la défaite était prévisible, mais l'Armée rouge. 

    Le vent de stupidité que les médiats et les politiciens soufflent sur des troupeaux d'électeurs dociles est tel désormais qu'on parvient à faire croire que dans une économie mondialisée où les cartels multinationaux font la loi, où les groupes de pression sont officiels, la décision de faire la guerre ou pas repose sur un homme SEUL ?! Il ne s'agit même pas de discuter la démonstration de Marx que l'économie capitaliste entraîne inexorablement ses acteurs vers le conflit armé, mais carrément d'effacer les faits historiques.

    Que l'amour-propre des mollahs iraniens se trouve mieux des déclarations d'Obama, c'est une chose ; l'histoire en est une autre et son oblitération complète par les idéologies nationalistes qui se sont succédées en Europe au cours des deux derniers siècles n'est certainement pas sans rapport avec le processus guerrier. Les nations guerrières n'ont pas d'Histoire, en quelque sorte, et c'est pourquoi on devine, derrière le nationalisme, quel que soit son échelle, la main de Satan. Le nationaliste, dans le nouveau Testament, c'est Judas Iscariote, qui prend Jésus pour un nouveau Moïse sans comprendre la radicale nouveauté du message évangélique.