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Lapinos - Page 88

  • Le Pen pressé à froid




    Beaucoup trop tard pour s'intéresser à la politique. Le destin des hommes politiques et de leurs électeurs est d'être changés en fossiles. Pas le "quart d'heure de gloire" mais le "quart d'heure de combustible", il vaudrait mieux dire.

    Constat que Le Pen continue d'être le petit caillou au fond de la botte des politiciens libéraux, dont il fait ressortir l'hypocrisie. Plus ils se disent "de gauche", plus ils sont gênés, étant donné que personne n'a jamais vraiment cru à la sincérité de Sarkozy en dehors de ses électeurs pendant quelques jours. "Le Figaro" dit pis-que-pendre de l'islam tout en fourguant des armes à l'Arabie saoudite. Inutile de sonder plus profond l'éthique de la clique gaulliste.

    - Insécurité = immigration dit Le Pen. Aucun doute que l'immigration est une des principales causes directes de l'insécurité, pas plus qu'on ne peut nier que les immigrés sont les premiers à en subir les conséquences. Un communiste n'a qu'à simplement rétorquer à Le Pen : immigration = capitalisme, afin de renvoyer Le Pen à sa propre absurdité politique : Le Pen n'a aucune solution pour contrer le capitalisme et l'immigration, il n'a que des moulinets. Sarkozy n'a eu qu'à se saisir de la crécelle en sautant plus haut que les autres.

    Le "nationalisme" ou le "souverainisme", le "républicanisme", "l'identité nationale", quel que soit le jargon qu'on utilise pour exhausser cette religion de petits propriétaires inquiets, est indissociable du capitalisme. Jacques Attali est un abruti puisqu'il est nationaliste, mais au moins c'est un abruti rationnel avec sa théorie du gouvernement global ou de la nation-monde.

    Autrement dit il n'y a pas de solution politique à un problème provoqué par la politique. La politique est aussi nocive pour l'homme que la culture est nocive pour l'intelligence. Elle lui fait croire au plein là où il n'y a que du creux.

    Tout en étant le petit caillou dans la botte des hypocrites politiciens, Le Pen est un maillon de la chaîne solidaire des autres. Pendant trente ans il a assumé la fonction ingrate mais non négligeable d'empêcher le discours politique de paraître clairement aux yeux de tous le morne catéchisme existentialiste qu'elle est, la religion la plus emmerdante du monde selon Céline. Chacals les Français non dépourvus d'intelligence qui ont prêté la main à ce cirque.


    - Connerie de Le Pen d'accuser les écologistes d'être d'"extrême-gauche". On ne trouvera pas de trace chez Marx ou Engels d'un soupçon d'écologie, pas plus que l'idée de s'avancer derrière un tel déguisement. Pas même chez Rousseau. Le Pen ne fera pas peur aux bobos qui votent "écolo" avec ce truc de l'"extrême-gauche". La bobo-attitude consiste précisément à faire croire qu'on est un révolutionnaire entre deux Picon-bières populaires.

    Pas plus on ne trouvera une seule idée marxiste dans le programme écologiste. L'écologie est plus proche de Darwin que de Marx, par conséquent du national-socialisme que du communisme (la "loi naturelle" de Darwin, ersatz de foutaises médiévales, contient toutes les inconséquences de l'écologie, carnaval parfaitement incarné dans le gugusse Cohn-Bendit, "juif et allemand", exactement les "identités" rejetées par Marx comme des fantômes pour grenouilles de bénitier.)

    Si l'écologisme a eu autant de succès en Allemagne, c'est que le national-socialisme auparavant était déjà plus ou moins une idéologie de jardinier boche. Voltaire contre Pangloss, soit, mais Voltaire tout de même un peu boche, sans quoi il n'aurait jamais été admis sous la coupole du Quai Conti, devenu le repaire de glandus qu'on sait.

    L'écologie est une idéologie de bobos. Point à la ligne. La politique est le chêne, qui dure moins que le roseau flexible.

  • Z comme Zannini





    Il ne faut pas non plus exagérer la vilénie des éditeurs. Ce sont tout simplement des gens médiocres. Disons que c'est plutôt l'idée de l'art qui est très élevée dans l'esprit des gens. Ils ne s'attendent donc pas du tout à ce marigot de crapules en chemises BHL avec des faciès veules façon Poivre-d'Arvor ou André Malraux.

    Pas le temps de lire le dernier Marc-Edouard Nabe, vu que j'ai dix ou vingt pièces de Will en retard (voire trente), et que l'idée de l'apocalypse me poursuit de plus en plus près. Assez de minutes quand même pour saluer l'initiative excellente de Nabe de se passer d'un éditeur pour son dernier bouquin. C'est le sens de l'honneur minimum dans un milieu qui en est totalement dépourvu et s'en gargarise d'autant plus. Je pensais que Houellebecq ferait ça le premier, vu qu'il n'a apparemment pas grand-chose d'autre à branler. Mais visiblement il parvient pas à dépasser le niveau du romancier pour petites putes de DEUG de lettres modernes. Pire qu'un jazzman, un informaticien.

    Moi, pauvre profane dans le domaine du Salon du Livre, préférant de loin la fréquentation des peintres à celle des poètes, quoi qu'il y a une chiée de poètes-peintres en ce moment, à ramasser à la petit cuillère dans le caniveau... j'imagine qu'on ne peut pas être écrivain et se permettre de casser leurs gueules à Beigbeder, Sollers ou Jean d'Ormesson quand on les croise dans une foire au livre ? Voilà donc Nabe débarrassé de pas mal de ventouses et de cas de conscience. La foire aux livres est une invention de petites bourgeoises allemandes qui confondent les livres avec des meubles ikéa.

    D'ailleurs c'est pas bien grave d'écrire pour dix personnes plutôt que cinq cent mille. Même l'écrivain fachiste Chardonne, la crème du stylo, juge que pour quatre ou cent cent personnes, pourvu qu'elles aient pas les mains sales, c'est déjà beaucoup. Un fachiste ! Et puis surtout c'est vraiment pas le moment de passer un pacte avec le diable ou avec un éditeur.

    (Regrets que la page "Gueules de traîtres" de la page du site alainzannini.com soit en panne.)

  • Rage on Pain

    "One good thing about music, when it hit you feel no pain." said Robert Marley. My favourite music is both Robert Marley's and German middle-age folk music, although I hate Mozart or the Rolling Stones for paederastic people out of Harvard or any kind of Business School.

    In the Satanic High School or Church I do prefer Adolf Hitler. Black who want to be White are the same than White who want to be Black. United Coloured Bastards.

    I am not against a few old Portuguese songs too.

    Of course Marley is wrong: there is pain in music, that you can turn in rage against the machine, but pain although. Music is alcohol or drug that you do not take if you have no pain. I am thinking about my friend Rastaman from Jamaica who is dreamin' about being Leonardo but cannot because of German beer and French wine.

    Before Robert Marley same idea of peaceful music was in Middle Age Monk's head. But what did he do against the Mechanics? Nothing.


  • Divided Kingdom of Satan





    There is probably just one Point where a French guy can make peace with one US guy (I am not talking about French Suckers who are dreaming about US-Dollars of course but about those who know the true History of the bombing of Normandy by the US-Air Force; or the intolerable weakness of US-Girls that makes the coupling between a French guy and an US-girl impossible -except if this French guy is Gay.)

    Point of peace is the common hate of Great-Britain. Good point in Christianity when it is not ruled by almost female is that the hate of every nation is encouraged! Gospels should be prohibited as much as Marxism in the US Nation if common US-people would be able to read.

    Hate of Great-Britain, ruled by Shylock, that betrayed Shakespeare. Always the same (the sole?) example of Ezra Pound who came to England, thinking that Englishmen would be interested in... Art! Man, Englishmen are only interested in motherfucking. Between smart Evelyn Waugh and Ezra Pound, both praising Mussolini as an honest capitalist (an example for Barack Obama, even if it is difficult to imagine Pound or Mussolini in Harvard), I am choosing Pound. There is no excuse when you are from the Country of Bacon and Shakespeare.

  • No Sexy Girl

    La seule femme que j'ai jamais aimée d'un amour pur, sans l'ombre d'une haine ni jamais la toucher, comme ces moines-puceaux amoureux transis du moyen âge, non loin de la damnation par le fait même, c'est une mère de famille humiliée, je soupçonne même rossée, abandonnée par plusieurs hommes successifs. La peau très blanche ayant souffert plus nettement de l'attentat du temps. Il me semble que mon père aussi l'aime bien : quelle pédérastie ! Mère de plusieurs enfants, dont plusieurs des pauvres lambeaux de chairs, à peine traversés par l'esprit : des poèmes ratés.

    Et pourtant jamais, JAMAIS je n'ai entendu cette femme proférer une parole féministe, verser dans l'aigreur, la pose d'Alceste où le premier petit ou gros épargnant en manque de liquidités tombe immanquablement !

    J'avoue, moi qui manque de courage à côté, que j'ai guetté une plainte de cette sainte, un reproche contre dieu, les hommes, la société... mais rien, que dalle ! D'une intelligence hors norme avec ça, pas le genre à croire au destin. A côté d'elle, la cohorte des grenouilles de bénitier au premier rang pour applaudir le pape : "Viva el Papa !", ou des culs bien roses et bien attractifs, mais sans plus.

    Mais je me trompe sans doute lourdement sur son compte : pas d'une sainte, seulement une combattante hors norme, un tempérament d'acier bien trempé, auquel se doit comparer quiconque à la prétention d'être un homme et non un fonctionnaire ou un courtier en assurances. Grâce soit rendue à cette femme unique ! Je pense à elle plus qu'à ma mère ou un quelconque substitut du même style quand j'ai besoin d'être galvanisé dans la bataille contre les chiens capitalistes.

  • Mistake of A. Huxley





    Reading "Brave New World" I was very disappointed. Under strong authority of this Shakespeare's word (Bacon is behind), one could expect more than Huxley's wrong Essay.

    Karl Marx is closer to Shakespeare than Huxley does. "Destiny" against "Liberty": it is in fact a good point of view to understand Marx as Big Will. Wether he intended it or not, Marx purified XIXth Century Humanism of its deep coat of archaic pagan ideas (that Nitche, Freud or Levi-Strauss after Marx were not even able to recognize those motherfuckers!).

    What is the mistake of Huxley now: Dictatorship is liberalism, and liberalism is based on Physiocratic idea*. Problem of Huxley was that he was belonging to a Biologist tradition and family, sitting so on this Chair, unable to understand the need of the biologic idea for one Dictatorship (to change the State in a genitrix; though the help of darwinism to nazism or capitalist faith is rather easy to guess.)

    As clearly as possible, I will try to explain the use of the biologic idea:

    - Modern dictatorship is a soul system as music does: soul concept, as much Christian than Pagan or Atheist or Music concept is based on organ (Religious elitist Baroque music of Bach is for instance based on it); old religious pagan trick of soul system that was making anybody a piece of the tribe until the blind sacrifice of his body, liberalism just made it 'modern'. The highest the soul, the lowest the body which is big barrier to Religious or Political power (Understand that Olympic Games are not praising the body but the nations: it is a soul system.)

    - Not only Political institutions but weapons are organs too. Female weakness needs weapons as much as Politics or Sex tool (into which Politics changed men). Biology is the wet compost, the ground where Nature is changed in physiocratic idea or mathematics idea: that is to say politics. Where one can see that Darwin deals more with Politics than Nature is not only in the opposite story of French Pierre Boulle, but in the stupid 'struggle for life' and the statistics on which this idea is based, that are everything but 'natural'. To link the monkey (or any other kind of animal) to human, you need to make both monkey and human mechanics and take them so through the perspective of soul (or language).

    Living with Gorillas: I am not surprised that a Darwinist Woman got this idea. Gorillas are rather good politicians although their struggle for life system is not as efficient as capitalist jungle-law. Therefore Gorilla is the perfect protector husband and father; and of course perfect sexual tool. There is an idea of 'Prince Charming' in the Gorilla, who is nobody else than Lucifer in Christian Tales (Good anarchist French song about the love of Gorillas for the gentlemen of the robe.)

    *Russian dictatorship is not perfect example as United-Kingdom, France or even USA as K. Marx explained, because of its very quick changing from Agriculture to Technical culture. In other words there is no Russian Shakespeare to point out the fiend of Nations like Big Will does for new England ruled by Shylock.

  • Female Terrorism

    New scanners in Airports seem to be made to prove everybody that terrorism is only 1% made by Ben Laden and 99% by Politicians and Newspapers (Same mixing of fear and confidence in the soul metaphor of money. Power including weakness and weakness including power.)

    Even French Advisor of Sarkozy from the Masonic party (Alain Bauer), who must solve various problems of security in France, mostly caused by the incompetence of thirty-six last governments, he admitted that these scanners are idiotic (thinking that they are bad for the business, of course). If I would be paid to observe the stupidity of capitalist economy as this official useless advisor, I would be the richest French guy.

    Nazism before was only 1% made by Hitler and 99% by hi-fi technology on which nazis were based on. I understand this is difficult for a lot of people to admit that nazism principles were as much algebraic than a masonic pyramid.

    I call it 'Female terrorism' because in my opinion this mixing of faith and confidence which one can always find in big dangerous religions devoted to money and power are mostly supported by women -as sex or family does.

    Who is praising the islamic veil first of all on French TV? Islamic women, with exactly the same hysteria than their feminists opponents (far more powerful and part of the French politics). Hysteria that is usefull for politicians and their newspapers, although they are telling us that they are working for our social security. Best social security of Politician forever is Death.



  • Brave New Gay World



    Watched on French TV, Channel n°1: a kind of ridiculous medecine-woman who is teaching young men (of seventeen!) how to put on condoms before putting on somebodies. SS = Safe Sex after Social Security and Schutz Staffeln.

    This Channel n°1 is made with a bad mixing of commercials, hollywood movies or series and soccer. This is the Channel that low-educated French people are watching but that no French Politician can criticize because he would loose to many voters. Results of liberalism in Europe these last fifty years were not only to make people a little bit less rich than before (who cares?) but to make them the stupidest Euopean people of those last two centuries. 'Highway to Hell' is a good picture because the way to Hell is the widest.

    Argument of this technical lesson about condoms on TV is AIDS prevention of course. Big Brother is not watching you but taking care of you like a good God (Juno the Roman goddess).

    But in fact this very religious and ethical show is made for young boys to become the best CUSTOMERS. With industrial things, the relationship is a sado-masochist relationship too -or sentimental. This is remaining me French painter Delacroix who was from the liberal party at first. He is watching the woman as a beautiful art thing. Now people are just industrial things with no difference of sex. This is the progress of capitalism and feminism.

    Capitalism is of female gender because it is keeping men by the balls. Now capitalism looks like an old paederastic sexual offender who has enough money for legal prostitution. I am rather faithful in his soon murdering by a younger offender than him. Because it is just Natural ethical law to which devils are submitted.

  • Hegel = SS





    Jean-François Copé, le "vautour de Meaux" qui rêve d'être calife à la place du calife, relie pertinement la question de l'identité nationale à la religion existentialiste.

    Mais on ne risque pas de voir J.-F. Copé sur le marché de Meaux expliquer à ses électeurs en quoi consiste l'existentialisme, car de toutes les religions, Marx démontre que l'existentialisme est la plus ésotérique. En matière de religion en effet, qu'importe le vin de messe, pourvu qu'on ait l'ivresse ; "existentialisme" : le mot à lui seul suffit à faire se pâmer les femelles dévotes. Les magiciens qui dévoilent leurs trucs n'ont pas de public. Aux yeux des pharisiens, Jésus est trop explicite : il déchire le voile de la religion et la prive de sa fonction (pas de fonctionnaire sans jargon ésotérique).

    Parmi les docteurs angéliques de la religion existentialiste : la figure d'âne bâté d'Heidegger, membre du parti nazi, afin de mieux rappeler comme la bourgeoisie libérale a su garder du nazisme ce qui lui a paru utile, fustigeant avec d'autant plus de vigueur les moustaches du Führer ; d'ailleurs toute tentative de comprendre l'histoire : clouée au pilori de la censure (Censuré par ex. Drieu La Rochelle qui a reconnu dans le nazisme un capitalisme ordinaire dès 1940 - de ce point de vue, Drieu est plus communiste qu'un syndicaliste qui signe des accords avec un patron gaulliste). Au vrai le principal tort d'Hitler aux yeux des bourgeoise libéraux est d'avoir péché par excès de franchise.


    L'imposture d'Heidegger va jusqu'à changer le matérialisme d'Aristote, savant grec des moins religieux, en culte de la loi et de la mort pour officier de la SS.

    L'"être-soi" selon Hitler ou Goering, étant donné le sacrifice au veau d'or de la nation que leurs suicides représentent (aucune idée de la sorte chez Aristote, pour qui la politique est du domaine de l'anthropologie et donc des matières relatives), cette idéologie rappelle d'autres péripatétismes imbéciles de clercs mélancoliques du moyen âge, raillés par Rabelais sous le nom d'Alcofribas Nasier (homologue de Finkielkraut ou Luc Ferry aujourd'hui) ; l'idéologie nazie rappelle aussi la religion de la "bonne mort" calviniste ou janséniste, le fait une fois encore de grammairiens débiles (La leçon à en tirer, c'est que l'oppression politique a pour effet de transformer la science en grammaire et en mathématiques pythagoriciennes.)

    Blanchis Heidegger et Arendt. Et Céline ou Le Pen ? Pas assez universitaires ! Trop populaires ! Hitler lui-même ne reçut l'appui des cartels allemands que parce qu'il paraissait s'interposer entre le Kapital boche et les Bolcheviks. La peur du Russe, fantasme d'hypocondriaque allemand, prolongée aujourd'hui par BHL et son parti-pris d'alliance avec le Kapital yankee, alors même que la société yankee montre des signes d'hystérie satanique plus nets que la Russie : animisme freudien, goût pédérastique et hypocondriaque pour les armes à feu, convergence du puritanisme et de la pornocratie, substitution du cinéma à l'art et à la science, sidération mathématique et juridique, substitution du culte génétique de la famille au christianisme, enfants-rois martyrisés, livrés à la superstition du Père Noël, du rockn' roll et des vampires...

  • Chant down Sarkozy from Babylon





    In Africa (Rwanda), French President Sarkozy accused Humanity to have been responsible of millions of African being killed. Sorry but this is liberalism trick one more time. Humanity-my ass! Capitalist system is not 'Humanity'. Auditor is crucial to make fake official history for Dummies to stay in drugs. To put out of the Black Register of Capitalist system all this waves of blood that make an Ocean now:

    - You have to prove that Rwanda politics was not depending on International Capitalist Trafic that makes Capitalist States send soldiers everywhere in the World to secure their business with religious or 'ethical' reasons;

    - You have to prove that Hitler's politics was not a capitalist one to whiten capitalism of millions of murders (what nazis did between 1935 and 1940 is exactly what Obama is dreaming about to do in the US Economics, with probably smallest opportunity to convince bankers to help the middle-class than Hitler had);

    - You have to prove that Abortion laws that made more than six millions of Foetus eliminated (in thirty years only in France) are not capitalist laws without any scientific reason but social, ethical or comfort.

    Out of Africa should go Capitalists professional story-tellers like Sarkozy, not only because of their Pharisaism (as much Christian than Jewish now), but therefore because of the evidency that they drove countries like France or California, 'lands of milk and honey', to bankruptcy. Tale of capitalism is so plain now: wish of milk and honey as a religion (that Hitler did not created only) leads to waves of blood.

  • Winter's Olympic Tale

    Are Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver made for demonstrating that Ecology is the last Capitalist's Stratagem? This spending of a many million dollar capitalist Shop-window, just after a big starvation in some poor countries in Africa or Asia, with the drawback of destroying natural mountains just for idiotic sportsmen fighting for a few seconds: what a clear confession.

    Of Course Chinese younger dictatorship is not stupid enough to nibble at this bait and take Ecology for something else than last Capitalist fancy. That Ecology is part of liberalism can be understood in this declaration of French Al Gore Yann-Artus Bertrand too: 'I am fascinated by gas'. In every kind of liberalism you can be sure to find this fascination. Contrarily to what he wrote in his book 'Mein Kampf', Hitler decided to fight against Russia... because he was fascinated by Russian gas.

    One must tell people from poor countries that are not rich enough to go to the Winter Olympic Games that it could be their best part. Spiritual comfort is in fact probably the more lethal weapon against oneself. Told by Jesus himself. Bet that people living in dreams are alive or dead already?

  • Roma against the Machine?

    French Essayist F. Huguenin recently tried to demonstrate that Pope Benedictus XVIth has nothing to do with liberalism or capitalism contrarily to what his friendly USA-Tour could for instance make the world believe in.

    Problem of Huguenin's theory is that there are many French Catholic who do think today that Capitalism can be mixed with the Gospel; those 'Catholic' people are therefore those who are praising the German Pope as a Pop Star and helped French President Sarkozy to be elected WITHOUT ANY CHRISTIAN ARGUMENT. Closer to female Hysteria are the members of this Papist Party than the Gospel (Wonder why female? Because Capitalism is a big slut.)

    - French Cardinal Barbarin of Lyon, still called 'Prime of Gauls'(!), one of the five main French Roman Catholic chiefs said: 'It is a Christian duty to go to the Poll'. This Satanic advise was never condemned by the Pope. Only capitalists parties helped by big cartels (including weapon industry) do have a chance in France to win the poll, though there do exist other small parties. This is nothing else than straight help of a catholic major Clerk to capitalism AGAINST THE GOSPEL where there is no Encouragement to make Politics but many Warnings against!

    - Hypocrit 'socialism' in which Karl Marx was seeing the sharpest liberalism (and it is in fact sharpest to praise socialism out of China or India today) is the Pope's 'politics' against the evidence of its check and lie along the last two centuries. It is now seven centuries ago that Dante Alighieri condemned corrupted Popes to Hell; five centuries ago that Luther condemned 'market law' and German merchants for the same reason without any results (or very limited). Whom Benedictus XVIth does he think he will convince except a group of French papists female behind him with this new tepid Christian Socialism?

    - Last but not least, Ratzinger's Theology (almost unreadable for common French people contrarily to Moliere's or Shakespeare's theology) is quoting some philosophers who are antichristian like stupid T. Adorno or Horckheimer. Pagan Science, Art or Philosophy have been included from the very beginning by Apostles in their explanations on Holly Scriptures (Saint Paul is praising the Greek people who did believe in a God only); with good or bad results, but those different pagan philosophers and artists: Aristotle, Homer, Plato, Vergil, Cicero, a.s.o., were all believing in God: German philosophy that Ratzinger is quoting is made by State-Suckers; they do trust the sole Golden Calf. All that bullshit is direct consequence of liberalism or capitalism on Roman Carelessness.

  • Shame on John-Paul IInd





    Shame on former Pope John-Paul IInd indecent acts of self-torturing does illustrate the new use of Christian Roman religion by modern global dictatorship. One must say before two things about this Pope:

    -Nothing is less surprising than this habit from him; everybody is remembering his suffering when he was making his worldwide tours before his death. What are self-whipping with a waistbelt compared to the suffering of an old man next to death agony around the world?

    -Praising torture is ALWAYS a proof of low spirituality, in Christianity first of all, but whoever this praising is coming from in general; Atheist French Marquis de Sade as much as some crazy Christian nuns such as Spanish Theresa of Avila... Nazi's sado-masochist background is undeniable too: all that bullshit is betraying common intellectual weakness from same origin: Politics. The "cell" is in general what these people have in common. Devil is not only in the house, but in the cell.

    Outrage of mad killer against anybody is first of all against his own body (That is what the cops or the moralists making inquiries about the serial-killers are trying to hide: special responsability of Politics in these kind of murders.)

    Torture makes the link between family and politics obvious, and the fact that education is as satanic job as tyrant's job.


    Is there something more hypocrit in today's World than Hitler's sentence next to sado-masochism praise that one can hear from lots of stupid but powerful artists? Notice that 'Arbeit macht frei!' is not only a sado-masochist Eastern Device but a do-nothing Device of people that mostly make money or slaves work for them -as gloomy and contemptible than Greek idleness is full of nobility and altruism. Roman, nazism or liberalism principles are made for the slavery to continue as long as possible, although Aristotle, Aeschylus or Homer were fighting for liberty.

    New use of Christian religion by dictatorship now:

    -As Karl Marx explained ('The Holly Family') and his son Paul Lafargue after him (which is explaining the old hate of Puritans against Marx, though he is not that far away from Luther's vowing merchants and their laws to Hell), main use of Christian religion by different dictatorship in Europe during XIXth century was to justify industrial slavery. And it was a duty in lots of rich families to give one son to be a clergyman. Christian religion became useless for dictatorship after the disgusting of it in poor classes, replaced so by the State religion called 'existentialism' in France, made of half Gothic and Baroque old Clock-mechanism (Soul Systems or Sound Systems are the best in Dictatorship for a good control on big nations.) Nazis themselves could not use 'Jewish-christianity' to manipulate people as Napoleon Ist and IInd, Bismarck did before Hitler. Hate of Christian religion was at that Time too big in poor classes working for the industry.

    Hitler and nazis were the first politicians to do what Global Dictatorship is doing with Pope John-Paul IInd or Benedictus XVIth right now: making the existentialist religion modern in the comparison with old christianism of Roman Church that seems to make as many efforts as possible to be ridiculous and old-fashioned as Shylock in Shakespeare's play (Pope's small party in France is blessed bread for caricaturists as Texan people are for New-Yorker.) This press propaganda is sitting here on two big official lies as Hitler did:

    -First is that 'existentialist' religion of State is not less out of Christian origin than it is out of Paganism (The mostly Roman paganism concerned here was mainly imported in Christian religion by clerks, especially in the XVIIth century. Importance of Poets and poetry does prove that this paganism is mostly of Latin origin.)

    -Second lie is that 'existentialist' religion is not less Gothic or Baroque than John-Paul IInd sado-masochism which is obviously part of USA-culture (or Japanese one).

    'Highway to Hell' is the religious song of existentialism by monkey Mick Jagger out of some Business School; Jagger who knows probably as well as I do who Artemisia is and that Lucifer is not deaf to entreaties of frogs that are giving him their sufferances for nothing against a little piece of Glory.

  • Marxist be careful!

    Thinking that Hitler and nazism are no ordinary liberalism is the last mistake that marxist people must do. The demonstration that Hitler is one Devil who fell down from the sky is the main argument of publicists, journalists, teachers and the army of liberalism... which mostly do not even believe in God! Everything but History.

    History contrarily teaches that A. Hitler made the most honest liberal politics of XXth century and that this is this honesty that made German nazis adventure shorter, as French Revolution of 1789.

    Antisemitism was just useless for Napoleon before Hitler, who did not even need to seduce French people and win the general election as Hitler did. Antisemitism is just nazi's style, the orchestra of his "Titanic".

  • Muslim against Christian?

    First of all one must say that there is no reason for Catholic or Christian people to choose between Ben Laden and George Bush or Barack Obama. Prohibition of the using of any weapon against anybody except spiritual weapon against the Devil is absolute. There is no Christianism beyond this fronteer but Christian politicians against Jesus clear dissuasion from building his Kingdom in this world (that is French XVIIth theocracy or USA one).

    I am not the best to tell wether Ben Laden is Muslim or not, but Bush and Obama's religion of State and Capital has obviously nothing to do with the Christian Revelation. Not more than Roman laws, maintained in France by the civil massive-murderer Napoleon before Hitler.
    I sometimes ask myself as great Francis Bacon of Verulam if the biggest part of Christian theology was not made to hide the clear message of Jesus? The fact is that in the thirty-six different kind of Catholicism that were invented by scholars, there is more bullshit than pearls.


    With only 10% of immigrants, France is not like USA one immigrant's nation, but due to low ethical values of French capitalist politicians and their medias, those African immigrants are used to scare oldest people and of female gender too (in Eastern of France, mainly) in electoral time, as fear is the basis of political speech since the first days of Humanity (As soon as Moses their leader is not with them, Jewish people are worshiping the Golden Calf, that is nothing else than a metaphor of politics or power.)
    With this kind of speeches and the help of powerful medias, French Industrial cartels are able to make people forget that it changed one of the richest country in the world in a kind of 'Titanic', pointing out the less responsible people to whiten the more responsible with less sense of honour than Jackals have.


    Same number of Christian French people are changing for Muslim religion (which is a Jewish-Christian religion too, not far away from Luther's aborted Reformation) compared to Muslim immigrants who are changing for Christianism. The interesting point is that they both side do mainly change for social reasons not theological. First category are mainly young French guys who want to marry muslim young girls. Other category is mainly muslim young people who want to be more French. But contrarily to what some stupid Christian are trying to make people believe, Jesus is not socialist at all. Contrarily to what stupid communist are trying to make people believe, Karl Marx is not socialist either (Lenin himself knew it). US-religion is more socialist than marxism -and of course Hitler's religion was socialism too. Marx and F. Engels shrewdly saw in 'socialism' the new religious mask of capitalism.

  • Looney Tunes





    As a result of global dictatorship, a large rate of people in the world is receiving an US-education. I was not watching TV too much when I was young but my first mental impression was although, walking for the first time on the US ground, to walk in a dream (which made me sick because dead can dream as well as they can dance). My second impression was to be in Germany; and in fact, one Nation's soul is nothing else than its money, and dollar is the German 'thaler'.

    Due to Shylock type covenant between France and the USA, French TV-Channels are spreading the US-religion in every French home every night. Some French movies or soap-operas are on TV too, but I am not the stupid French unable to see that French theater is 90% bullshit, made by half-educated French people who have no idea of what cinema does consist in, contrarily to many Us-directors. I am not sure that without the cinema/TV, French politicians would have fucked French people as deeply as they did during those last fifty years: this is the reason why you can be sure that the praise of the cinema 'as the 7th art' is coming from the French bourgeois (still dead).

    Best French movie directors are making commercials; in this category, as crucial as porn, French are maybe better than Us-directors themselves, because of the less puritan laws (I wonder if this advertising for a German car company: 'He has the car, he will get the girl', was French or not?).

    Advantage of these serial stories that we can watch after a while on French-TV is that they do inform people on the US-religion rather well. This is a propaganda of very good quality and Russian or Chinese should take lessons in Hollywood if they want to be the new masters.

    I made thus these summaries out of a few Yankee serial-stories for the kids of my sister who are too young to understand where dreams lead you if you do not fight them:

    - 'Sex in the city': New Whore does prefer Dollar than Sex. She is well educated now (thanks to feminism!).

    - 'The Experts': Praising the dead body is the Civility of Technics and Robots.

    - 'Desperate Housewifes': How USA became a Gay-Nation (and how feathers that were on Sitting-Bull's head first are on French-Cancan dancer Obama's ass now).

    - 'Lost': Revelation is just Entertainment.

    - 'Dr House': Because of its efficiency, one cannot get rid of nazism.

    - '24 H': Everybody is a terrorist but Cops are always the best.

    - 'Numbers': Because he has no phone-call number, Ben Laden is challenging USA-Scientists.

    - 'Prison Break': (No summary: you need to be gay to watch this one as Jail is a Metaphor for Gay-sexuality. French Marquis de Sade was in jail when he wrote his boring praise of politics, violence, torture and sex, and this is partly explaining it. Prison breaks you into a gay jack.)

    - 'Scrubs': ... Just brilliant! I must admit something about this one: if cinema was not 100% religion but art, it would be this 'Scrubs', not that far away from Moliere's message that medical men are possessed by the Devil and his Looney Tunes. When I need to prove someone that USA is one devil's nation, I tell him: 'Just look at the doctors of the Sacred-Heart Hospital in 'Scrubs'. 'Sacred-heart devotion' it is exactly the Christian religion pointed out by Moliere as a satanic come back to primitive superstition.




  • Brave New old World

    The authorship of New secular Christianism is sometimes alloted by Scholars to English Scientist Francis Bacon Verulam (XVIIth).
    No doubt that there is an attempt in Bacon's Theology to make true catholicism, i.e. 'universal' in the Greek understanding of 'catholic'. But was Bacon even as naive as Dante Alighieri about a neutral posture of the State toward Churches? Probably not. Most of Bacon's Theology is about the bad mixing of politics, philosophy, science, ethics and theology that was making the gospels the property of a few clerks at the end of the Renaissance.

    I heard recently Swiss lobbyist Jean Ziegler on French TV giving the advise to last Pope Benedictus XVIth to give up the Catholic clerks' celibacy: is this new Christianism wished by Bacon? No, this is proving that Ziegler, although he is a rather intelligent lobbyist fighting against poor people Slavery organized by International Industry, Z. has no idea about Christianism that he is translating into a dim Socianism (It is therefore funny that Ziegler is quoting stupid German old fashioned philosopher Theodor Adorno as J. Ratzinger himself.)
    US Theocracy with religious leader Obama after Bush does not correspond to Bacon's idea either.

    Close to Bacon is Karl Marx, that is to say opposite to Brave New World in which we are. Scientific Progress in both Marx or Bacon view has nothing to do with Time religion of Einstein or Planck; communist progress cannot be splitted up from individual freedom.
    It took four centuries to capitalists States since Bacon to concentrate the power and the economy for the benefit of a few gangsters under the hypocrite mask of 'liberalism' that can only abuse a few paederastic hypocondriac cow-boys like Clint Eastwood now in Copland-USA.

  • Sucking Poets

    Four years ago US-Writter Johnatan Littell got the major French book prize 'Goncourt' for a book in (a very bad) French ("Les Bienveillantes", 2006). I am the first to recognize that 'style' is the make-up of art, but the funny part of this story was to observe that a Prize which is almost entirely devoted to entertaining and stylate litterature for grand-mothers and christmas gifts was given to this big book on ww2 (It is a current joke in France that no good writter ever got this Goncourt-Prize which has been without exception given to 'writters-that-suck'.) It is not new that the bullshit that enable publishers to live makes author die.

    Due to some Jewish obsession to summarize History into a Jewish problem and so destroy Historical studies*, French press and TV almost coerced French customers to buy Littell's book because of its subject (75% of books are bought in France by women, whose religious attitude is determining the success of a book; every blockbuster must be seen through this prisma. As a man I was bored by long sado-masochist descriptions added to the military life description. Is there any subject more boring in art than sex except soldiers and their military life? Subtle poets know that sex and soldiers are comic subjects about which only secretaries talk about seriously).

    A bizarre shock happened between two main religious today dogmas: Jewish dogma against Gay dogma. As Littell makes his main sadistic nazi anti-heroe a paederastic one, insisting on the incestuous part of his sexuality, the question was: what kind of dogma would be the strongest? Jewish or Gay? I must admit that thanks to Littell I was interested in this Goncourt Prize for the first and probably last time of my life.

    Theory of Littell is in fact not far away from what you can deduce of the reading of the French Marquis de Sade himself, whose devotion to sex cannot be separated from his devotion to politics. Sade is for sure the French philosopher who is the closer to nazi's revolution and Nietszche.

    My idea is rather different from Littell's one and that is the reason why I do think he is just an hypocrite. Sado-masochism is not the consequence of nazism but of liberalism. Karl Marx would no doubt have seen in Hitler's politics a regular liberalism, due to marxist historical method to examinate any kind of politics under its economical machinery first of all.

    French author Pierre Drieu La Rochelle (still censored in France or published with a preface to prevent people to share DLR's opinion!), who was seduced by nazism before the war like Ezra Pound or English Evelyn Waugh were by Mussolini, as soon as they went into Paris, Drieu La Rochelle was disappointed by nazis, recognizing in them ordinary capitalists although he was hoping that Hitler would change liberalism into an honest politics.

    *The most shocking effect of the Jewish obsession about ww2 in France is this idea that Napoleon Ist, because he did not made anything against Jewish, was not a butcher as Hitler, although the cruelty of Napoleon's orders was may be more terrific than nazi's cruelty. No need to say that Napoleon did not have the same opportunity to provoke popular electorate against Jewish like Hitler did.

  • Stop that Winter-Games!

    You must standing against Canadian Olympic Games after Chinese and before English if you do not have racial/cultural prejudices. Wether they take place in Vancouver, Pekin or London, those stupid Games are the shop-window of capitalism and its worldwide slavery.

    First mistake is to think that this kind of competition is praising the body. The 'quarter of glory' (or ten times longer) is what those stupid people who are spending their life running or skiing five hours a day are expecting. Soul system (religion) is what is dividing under the appearance of unity. Destroying the body at the end. Politics, and not only Hitler's, is orchestral manoeuvres in the dark.

    I noticed during my scholarship that sportsmen and mathematician were of the same female gender. Puffed up with pride as a male rod with blood, they are very easy to manipulate by the most cynical Politics. The degree of suffering that those kind of sportmen are able to bear to get their drunkness makes them sado-masochist people and thus potential torturer.

  • Misogyny against War

    One must not be surprised that Marxism is including Misogyny contrarily to Anarchy. It is easy to understand that capitalism is keeping us as women do: by the balls. Not so difficult to understand too that feminism is the roof of sexism, alloting to men the desire of girls! Soldiers are gay-people; I never knew talking about sex except when I was belonging to a French Football Team ('rugby') that I abandonned rather quickly as those guy were boring me to death as much as a Clint Eastwood movie.

    I remember my mother who was shocked when I was fifteen and told her I never would be a soldier in any case to protect the fucking French Nation or Flag or whatever... whatever I, keeping my children soul pure, I still shit on. A mother or a woman (mothers are the worst) who do not even believe in God, is able to believe in the Nation. The more unreal it is, the more a woman believe it. That is why churches and politics are both based on woman faith and so called 'reason' which is including madness (Jackson Pollock's art of controlled hysteria).